Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Even Geniuses Work Hard

Here's an interesting and important article by Carol Dweck on fostering a growth mindset in our schools.

Hope everyone has a great week!


  1. Definitely something we foster at home. What did you think of the Brainology software?

  2. Interesting software. I'd like to see and hear more about schools that have used it and especially from kids. I'm going to send out a question to a couple of listserves I subscribe to to see how other schools are using it...

  3. Chris,

    Keep the articles coming.

    Hey did you get my email with the information regarding the blog makeover?

    Just wanted to make sure you didn't think I forgot.


  4. Hi Josh - I did get that - haven't had a chance to contact him yet, but I will.

    Happy to see you're reading. I think Dweck's work is critical as we make change happen at our school, don't you?
